venerdì 18 agosto 2006

E bevila bevila bevila (II)

D'accordo anche Craig Murray, ex ambasciatore inglese in Uzbekistan, fatto fuori perché denunciava le torture dell'attuale governo amico, grande alleato nella lotta al terrorismo.

Il suo blog  (In inglese).

 E questo articolo da Chicago:

Six weeks after Craig Murray started his job as British ambassador to Uzbekistan in 2002, a packet of photos landed on his desk. Inside were pictures a mother had taken of her son's mutilated corpse. The young man, a political prisoner accused of having ties to radical Islam, had been tortured, beaten and immersed in boiling water.

"And," Murray recently told an audience at the University of Chicago, "when that guy was boiled to death, you paid to heat the water." He was referring to the $500 million in U.S. aid given to the Uzbeks in 2002.

Qui (inglese)

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