Il Blog di Mahmood Ahmadinejad :
(in 4 lingue)
Sono nato nel 1940
. I was born fifteen years after
Quarto della mia famiglia. Una famiglia povera. Mio padre aveva fatto la sesta elementare. Era un duro lavoratore fabbroferraio, un uomo religioso. Poi sospinto dalla miseria più che dalle luci della città decise di emigrare a Tehran.
After my birth -the fourth one in the family- my family was under more pressures. My father had finished 6 grade of elementary school. He was a hard-bitten toiler blacksmith, a pious man who regularly participated in different religious programs. Even though never the dazzling look of the world was appealing to him, but the pressure of the life caused that he decided to migrate to Tehran when I was one year old. We chose to live in south central part of Tehran where is called Pamenar.
Mio padre comprava sempre il giornale. Ricordo un giorno, ero in prima elementare, lessi sul giornale, con l'aiuto dei grandi di casa nostra, che ...Mohammad Reza ...aveva venduto il nostro popolo agli americani..
My father used to buy newspaper all the time. I remember one day, when I was in first grade, by looking through a newspaper – with the help of the adults in our house- I read the news of the capitulation passage by the shah’s so called “parliament.” Even though I did not understand the meaning of that issue at that time, but due to the protests and the objections of the religious schools of thoughts with the leadership of Imam Khomeini -Almighty God bless his soul- and the relentless reaction of the extinct shah, I realized that Mohammad Reza attempted to add another page to his vicious case history which was the humiliation and indignity of the Iranian people versus Americans. That was the year that the extinct shah slaughtered many followers of Imam Khomeini.
Aggiornamento: leggi la sua lettera a Bush (traduzione di Kelebek)
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